Friday, May 4, 2007

Day 4: Princeton to Osoyoos

We had a delightful 123km day today. The weather was beautiful. The vast majority of the ride was flat until Keremeos as it was along the riverside, and we had a great tailwind. We stopped in Keremeos for lunch at this wonderful little cafe. It was truly a good find. From there, we carried onto Osoyoos. Oh the hills. Just rolling ones this time, but they don't roll in B.C. like they roll in Ontario. These things are pretty long and steep going up and coming down. Quite a few of them had a nice downhill leading into them so we were able to carry our momentum which helped considerably, but there was still a couple of long, long, steep hills around 100km that were pretty brutal, particularly with the headwind.

We were really lucky to see a couple of bald eagles today as well. Big birds, they are. Other than that, we saw lots of horses and cows...the usual, and a few signs for big horn sheep, but didn't actually get to see any.

Tomorrow we start the day with a HUGE climb called the Anarchist. This will be our biggest climb of the trip. We have a nice view of it from our hotel room balcony. The darned thing is transfixing. Worried doesn't even come close to how I feel about it. Apparently it's about a 25 km climb, most of it about 6-8%. That's pretty darned intense. We stopped in a bike shop today to finish inflating Warren's tire (the aftermath of him blowing one earlier in the day), and the fellow said "Yeah, I don't even think I could make it up that, but there's a couple of 80 year olds that go up it daily." Great. It will be epic for sure.

I guess that's it for now.

I apologize to all that are waiting for pictures. We do have some, but just haven't had the time to put them up yet. They will come!


Anonymous said...

We're cheering for you! Good luck on the Anarchist today. Can't wait to head out and join you and the team. Lots of love,

Unknown said...

Go Hillary Go! It's amazing that you're doing this, and I know you'll make it up that hill today! We'll be cheering for you back here.

Anonymous said...

Great going, Hillary! You are also doing an amazing job with the blogging - especially considering how tired you must be at the end of each day. We may not be there physically, but we are with you in spirit. Keep it up, girl!
Wendy & Basilio

Hillary said...

Thanks for all the encouragement everyone! We're all holding up much better I think than even we expected.
Wendy&Basilio: Thanks re the blogging. Yeah, it is a bit tough to sit and type out what's happened after riding all day as all we want to do is sleep. But it's a nice record even for us as to what's happened on what day..particularly as we continue, things just seem to blur together.